Friday, 23 January 2009

Inspired by nature

It's been a good week for biomimetics - the branch of science that pinches neat ideas from nature to make new technologies (Velcro is a classic example).

First up, a team of researchers have copied the needle-like ovipositor of a wood wasp in the design of a new medical probe. The insects evolved the structure to drill through pine trees and deposit their eggs, but scientists have applied the same mechanism to a robot which will be used to burrow accurately through brain tissue.

Other scientists have also been busy mining the insect world for new ideas. An American research team has just designed a novel propulsion system for small robots and boats that mimics the wriggling of aquatic beetle larvae. The robot they've created is propeller free - instead it uses the natural surface tension of the water to move across its surface. You can see a video of it in action here.

Image: Dan Fleet

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