Friday, 21 August 2009

Going Around About Caffeine

A recent study reports that caffeine causes headaches…I mean cures headaches. No wait, it does both. This study is giving me a headache.

Norwegian scientists published a report in the Journal of Headache and Pain concluding that people who consume high amounts of caffeine each day are more likely to suffer occasional headaches than those with low caffeine intake.

Now before all those tea and coffee junkies get upset, listen to this, those that consume low amounts of caffeine are more likely to suffer from chronic headaches (defined as headaches for 14 or more days each month).

Once again, a study about what we put in our bodies leaves me feeling slightly confused (see posts on junk food and organic food). I’m going to quote the comment from Kelly C. Porter on the Junk Food Wars post because she sums up my feelings nicely in that the final decision on what we should put in our bodies comes down to our “own biology, activity-level and health-risks, and those are best assessed by a physician.“ I do believe that it is important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, but I’m starting to think that the details of exactly what that looks like are very personal.

In the In The Future exhibit at the Science Museum there is a game about a futuristic toilet that could analyse your…well you know what it analyses…and then tells you what you need to eat to be healthy. I want one.

Image: Joe Penniston - Flickr

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