Monday, 14 September 2009

A Secret of Human Brain Evolution Discovered

Scientists have discovered that a protein called AP2gamma plays a key role in neural development within the human cerebral cortex—the area of the brain responsible for higher brain function, memory and sensory experience. The discovery could lead to neural regeneration therapies for patients with diseases involving the cortex, like Alzheimer’s, autism, schizophrenia and epilepsy. It is also a clue as to how the brain may have evolved into higher sophistication in mammals from previous structures related to vision.

Image: killermonkeys - Flickr
Source: Nature Neruoscience


Louis@Antenna said...

Why is this particular gene so important - has anyone found one before?

Kelly C. Porter said...

The relevant proteins were 'discovered' last year, but this study shows how they can be manipulated to regenerate neural connections. It could mean that sufferers of a variety of devastating and generally incurable cortex-related diseases may have treatment options, but there is a lot of research that need to happen before that is safe or possible.